Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Texas BBQ

Originally uploaded by offyonder
On I-10 from Houston to San Antonio, you can't miss Jerry Mikeskas Bar-B-Q.

A small hexagon shaped building sits right at the mouth of the first westbound exit to Columbus, TX. Ample parking for cars, semi-trucks and RV's made it easy to get there. The lot wasn't full, but I did follow a semi-truck into the big lot.

Inside... the best way to set the stage might be the antler chandelier hanging in the middle of the single dark room. On the walls hundreds of hunting trophies - animals of all sorts - watched you as you considered what sort of meat you wanted to eat. Then, they all watched you eat. A handful of truckers sat scattered around the room, eating their solitary meal while young and old couples and even a few families with young children filled more tables.

For not quite $8 I got a nice selection of meat, BBQ sauce and three sides - spinach, beans and boiled potatoes. The BBQ sauce was pleasantly sweet, while I would have appreciated something a bit more tangy, smoky or spicy.

Despite the food not being quite as amazing as I had hoped, I can see how this eatery could easily become a tradition for those who frequently travel between Houston and San Antonio.

It's a true piece of Americana... rather Texacana. If you can handle all the critters on the walls, I recommend the stop.

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