Sunday, January 13, 2008

And Toto, too.

Kansas City is in good hands. Janna joined the standing team including Jeff, Margie, Keith & Donna and brought a whole entourage of help with her. The aforementioned core members of the chapter board met last night at Jason's Deli (pictured). I provided an overview of how DB works on a national level and how each chapter and each chapter worker fits into that system. We also discussed the need to develop church contacts and Janna has developed a contact for every church in Kansas City so every Sunday School student will know about any events in the area.

Next steps for Kansas City includes meeting with the larger group of volunteers to start planning activities and delegating duties to that end. There is also talk of coordinating a regional event with the St. Louis chapter in May. Stay tuned!

I visited 6th Church today where Janna had recruited many of the volunteers and went to lunch with a fun bunch to the BK Lounge... a regular event for the 6th Church gang.

Also, a big thanks to Glenn who let me park the trailer in his driveway while I'm in town. Glenn has been away since I arrived but will return Monday to see how my setup fills his entire driveway! Hopefully we're not freaking out his neighbors!

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