Saturday, July 5, 2008

Cedars Camp

Cedars Camp
Originally uploaded by offyonder
Warren, the Cedars Camps Director, rolled out the red carpet... he set me and the trailer up in a great location here at Cedars. They just had a bunch of rain, so things were a little soggy. Warren had a pile of wood chips delivered and the youth grounds crew (workers program) helped form a path around my trailer to keep my feet out of the soggy!

It's a big change-over weekend which gives me the opportunity to span two sessions to talk about DiscoveryBound. Much like at Leelanau/Kohahna Warren introduced me at dinner and I spoke briefly to the youth about DB and then the next day, Warren introduced me before the talent show where many of the parents who were here to pick up their kids from Camp were in attendance and I spoke to the group again.

I also had an opportunity to have breakfast with the Junior Leadership (JL) program for high school students and most of them had heard of DB and many have been involved. We'll get a new batch of JL campers tomorrow and I'll take some time to speak to them at a meal or something as well.

Like in Michigan, I've had great chats one-on-one with adults who are looking for a better understanding of what DB is and it has resulted in an interest in getting two new chapters started.

The weather has been incredibly mild. A little humid after a good rain, but very pleasant in the mid 70's. Thunderstorms are forcasted for tonight... thank goodness for my wood chip walk way!

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