Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Cedars Weekend

Workparty weekend
Originally uploaded by offyonder
I met up with the Kansas City Chapter at Cedars Camps in Lebanon, MO for the work party they arranged with the camps.

Most of the work was done in the front corral of the camp where low branches were cut off of trees and the scrub cleared out to open things up for the horses. We piled it all up and made a big bonfire that burned all night.

The kitchen also got a good scrubbing. All the dishes that had been sitting on the shelves, collecting dust over the winter got washed as did all of the coolers that are an essential part of keeping cool drinks available for the campers in the sometimes 100˙F temperatures.

Sunday morning we built some shelving for one of the new bunkhouses before dialing into the Creve Coeur church near St. Louis to listening to their service. After church, we raked up some leaves and I got a nice tour of the camp to see most of the property and hear about the programs.

Next we helped organize the CS Books and other study materials that will go into each cabin for the campers over the summer.

We finished with a great lunch and packed things up to head out. It was a great event and the camp gained much from the process. There's already talk of doing it next year and hopefully we can get folks from other surrounding cities to join.

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