Saturday, February 23, 2008

Sunday School Workshop - Abilene, TX

Abilene, TX
Originally uploaded by offyonder
Abilene Church put on a great workshop for Sunday School teachers today. They had 40 people in attendance, the largest group came from Amarillo, a four hour drive!

It was great for me to hear that one of the objectives for the group was to network. They wanted to connect with each other and share ideas and get the kids together. The term "regional events" even cropped up.

The event organizer, Shellie, allowed me to speak to the group for about five minutes and the idea of a West Texas Chapter was thrown out. We'll see if I get some traction on that. I also spoke to the seven youth that came along and had their own workshop, similar to the one at the Mother Church during Annual Meeting last summer. They liked the idea of getting the CS youth from West Texas together more often.

This was a group that has made youth a priority and it showed. It was a wonderful fulfillment to reach out and meet people from West Texas as I was not going to be driving out that way.

A huge thanks to the Abilene crew!

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