Tuesday, December 18, 2007

City Shutdown

Originally uploaded by offyonder
Well, I would have thought Detroit to be a city able to handle a sudden dumping of snow a little better than they did. It wasn't even that sudden, they knew good and well there was a heap of snow blowing in Saturday night/Sunday Morning. I got a call early in the morning saying church had been canceled, and it sounded like I would have had a hard time getting a cab anyway.

The next call that came was to say the concert was still on at 3pm. That was late enough in the day to get some of the main streets in the city cleared off, but it still made for a dicey ride from the hotel to the hall.

Then the word came in from those who don't live downtown saying the snow is still piled up on the streets and there is now way of getting into town for the concert. Sadly, this was one of the best selling shows of the series. The DSO said they had sold 95 per cent of the hall but only a small fraction of that actually made it in to see the show.

This was the case for all of my dozen or so DB participants to come to the event. Alastair (the conductor), Jenn (the soloist) David (with the DSO) and I all had dinner together on Friday night. David offered to let us use the DSO greenroom for our event. It is such a beautiful room.

Well, all is not lost. There is a good chance that Alastair will be conducting there again... maybe not in the holiday season and hopefully we can get an event like this organized again.

Keith and I were able to meet on Friday for breakfast. The snow is not keeping him from rallying the troops and some amazing event ideas are bouncing around for the Detroit Chapter.

Stay tuned!

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