Friday, December 14, 2007

Principia Planning

Originally uploaded by offyonder
Gina and Sue were in town and we were able to catch up on how the road trip is going. I was also able to join the planning committee for the DiscoveryBound Leadership Conference (DBLC) that will take place at Principia next fall.

The DBLC (formerly known as the National Teen Leadership Conference and Chapter Workers Workshop... or something like that - NTLC for short) is a great opportunity for teens and adults alike to come together and explore in their role with the DiscoveryBound community, their local CS community and how the work they do blesses the world.

Last year, sessions addressed how to combat the onslaught of sensational media, developing team building skills and more.

This year proves to be another amazing event. Mark your calendar for Labor Day Weekend 2008!

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