Thursday, January 17, 2008

Wash Me!

Don't get me wrong... I love snow. But I love it in the mountains, blanked over rolling hills, or as each unique and individual flake fills the air. Even if it's blowing at 90mph. But where I don't like snow is in th city and on roads. When it turns from white to brown slush... sludge really. And that's just what was caked on the front of the trailer after driving out of Wichita. Ech. See the video.

This morning I was up much earlier than I expected. Two things happened. I noticed while lying in bed at 5am that it felt oddly cool in the trailer and I couldn't hear the familiar rush of air being drawn into the heater. The twin propane tank system is supposed to switch from the empty tank to the full tank automatically. I suspected this did not happen. So, I rousted myself from my warm nest, dressed for the cold and troded out to switch the tanks.

Back in the trailer, the heater still had not kicked on. I turned on a light to see what was going on... and the light seemed a little dim. The batteries were low. Double bummer. I think it was the cold that gave the batteries such a hard time (like 17˚F!). Regardless, there was only one solution. I wasn't close enough to a power outlet in the Wichita Church parking lot to plug in, so I had to bust out the generator. I swept clear a spot on the asphalt of the 3 or so inches of snow that had piled up, got the genny running and got back in the trailer. Ahhh. The heater was rolling.

I opted not to go back to bed but started my day with a cup of tea (or three) and did some reading.

I met with some of my cousins who live here for breakfast and got back on the road for Oklahoma City, which is where I sit now in 1st Church's lot after hitting the car wash as you can see in the video above. There are also a few photos on the flickr site.

After the fundraiser banquet for the community center Casey works at in Yukon, we talked about DB some and they made some phone calls and gave me some numbers to call to try and get a group together after church on Sunday. I think OKC is big enough to get a chapter going. We'll see if the folks here think so as well.

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